lexie's site! <3


           1101 was a very difficult class for me. It was a lot harder than any of my other English classes, or any classes for that matter.  I learned to be a better writter and more discaplined when it came to getting work done on time, and getting it done right. It also taught me new writing forms and skills that I can take with me to the real college world to help me succeed there.

Some things I could have done didfferently were checking final drafts of papers better, and ask for questions less and try to figure things out on my own. I also could have read more of the chapters that we were assinged to read instead of just skimming them. It would have gotten me better scores on the quizes.

If I was asked by a younger student what some helpful hints for this class were, I would tell them that they should be prepared for anything and everything. It is probably harder than they think it will be, because I know it was for me. So they should study hard and try not to slack on anything.

My favorite part about this class was propably being able to write a report about one of my own experiences. It gave me a chance to be more creative with my writing. It also was a little easier than the others because I didn’t have to think about what to write first, or last, or in between, because I knew it all already.

Even though this class was very difficult, I know it helped me a lot and im glad I took it. This way I will be more prepared in college and have a better idea on what to expect.


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