“Should Prostitution Be Legalized?”
Engaging in sexual activity with another person in exchange for compensation, such as money or other valuable goods; that is the definition of prostitution according to en.wiktionary.org/wiki/prostitution. A lot of people argue that it would not be a wise idea to legalize these acts, but it would not actually be as horrible as some may think. "Prostitution should not be a crime. Prostitutes are not committing an inherently harmful act. While the spread of disease and other detriments are possible in the practice of prostitution, criminalization is a sure way of exacerbating rather than addressing such effects. We saw this quite clearly in the time of alcohol prohibition in this country. ...What makes prostitution a 'victimless crime' in the sense that no one is necessarily harmed by it is that there are consenting adults involved." -- Sherry F. Colb, JD

should be legalized http://prostitution.procon.org/viewresource.asp?resourceID=115 (site that lists the top ten pros and cons of legalizing prostitution) http://www.unesco.org/courier/1998_12/uk/ethique/txt1.htm (site about prostitution in other countries and how women in those countries use prostitution to make a living) http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/227393/should_prostitution_be_legal_legal.html (site about the history of prostitution and how it became to be thought of as slavery) http://www.fff.org/freedom/1293e.asp (a site on statistics about prostitution in the U.S.)
List of items for presentational aid: 1 charts of statistics on percentage of prostitutes with or without STIs when its legal and when its not 2 Pictures of prostitutes in jail for just trying to make a living 3 South Park clip on why prostitutes are good :) 4 interview prostitutes 5 clips of prostitution in other countries and in the past | shouldnt be legalized http://prostitution.procon.org/viewresource.asp?resourceID=115 (site that lists the top ten pros and cons of legalizing prostitution) http://www.uri.edu/artsci/wms/hughes/mhvlegal.htm (how prstitution oppresses women) http://instructors.cwrl.utexas.edu/bailey/?q=node/150 (why prostitution is not safe or a good role model for American women) http://sisyphe.org/spip.php?article691 (top 10 reasons for not legalizing prostitution) |